In This unique time in our life, who expected this disruption to everyday life. This is the time for people to come together and help one another – to lend a hand when required, to look out for those in need, to assist others who can’t. This is the time to be the best “you”.
Here at Oldham Studios, we have temporarily halted production for the sake and safety of our employees. My team means the world to me.
Even though production has stopped, it doesn’t mean we have stopped planning. We are thinking creatively of new methods and solutions for when the exhibit industry starts rolling again. Oldham Studios is available for preplanning, designing, and/or estimating new products and solutions. Reach out and lets have a conversation.
But, right now, and most importantly, please be safe and continue staying healthy. Please follow all CDC.Gov guidelines. Err on the side of caution.
Mark Oldham, President, John Oldham Studios, Inc.